Welcome to Lose 60lbs in 90 days

Have you tried to lose weight before and it goes well for the first week or even a month and then you fall back into your old eating habits? Then you gain back all the weight and then some! Yes, I’ve been there done that several times!! I’ve tried Atkins, Keto, South Beach and so on. Did they work? Yes, they did for awhile anyways then I’d have a craving and take a bite here and there then BAM right back to the old habits. Why is this? I’ll tell you why; because none of them are sustainable for the rest your life. The cravings for certain things such as potato chips, pizza, etc. never go away. Psychologically you’ve changed nothing except the fact that you’re on a diet. But you still love to eat whether it be out of boredom, habit or emotional reasons. It doesn’t matter anymore whether its one of those three things or all those things you are getting ready to change your life forever!

Discover my effective method for sustainable weight loss.

My name is Jamie, I’ve been there done that with the weight roller coaster for years. So, who better to help you than someone with experience! A little different than a doctor sitting there all skinny telling you to lose weight; isn’t it? As I’ve heard lose weight for years but no answer how besides pills or diet fads.

About Me

Let me tell you a little about my story (don’t worry ill make it quick). Eighteen years ago, I was 125 lbs. became pregnant and gained 70 lbs. from eating pizza. After giving birth I went on Atkins and lost 40 lbs. Maintained it for about a year, it was just too strict. Then I had some breathing issues and they slapped me on Prednisone steroid to help me breath better. As I was diagnosed with asthma. While on Prednisone I gained 65 lbs. From that point on I’ve been up and down in weight depending on what diet I’d try next all leading to the same conclusion. Nothing but cravings and saying screw it and just going back to old habits. Long story short after 18 years I finally figured it out!!

Now to tell you how I figured it out. Health issues (heart troubles, severe achy knees, breathing troubles and high A1c) lead me to it. Hopefully, health issues aren’t your case and by reading this it leads you to eating this way for a healthy lifestyle. Two Cardiologists, an endocrinologist, an OBGYN and a regular doctor with 40 years of experience all pretty much told me the same thing; how to eat to lose weight! They all eat this way along with their families! (The OBGYN is known across the nation as he travels to teach people this specific way of eating to help others.) Seriously for years another doctor along the way just couldn’t tell me this? That explains why they are all skinny!! Honestly, I was mad! After 2 weeks of eating this way, I HAD NO KNEE PAIN and NO CRAVINGS. After 30 days my other health ailments are gone! After 60 days my A1c (blood sugar levels) was back to normal. I sure am glad I never did that knee replacement other doctors wanted me to do!! I have tons of energy (no more lethargic feeling) and feel great. Who would have thought it was so easy all along!!!

What do I have to do? 

There are no gym’s involved, no counting carbohydrates, no counting calories, no rules on when to eat, no charting what you’ve eaten, no pills, no slim drinking aids, and so on. Best of all no one will even know you are doing it until your pants start falling off due to weight loss. I personally have lost 60 lbs. in 90 days! No joke, it’s for real! This isn’t a scam it isn’t a joke it’s your health (my health) and life! I’m not going to lie to you, you will cut a few things out of your menu but don’t worry after 30 days you can reintroduce some. After the 30 days you will see a huge energy change, you will not feel tired and drained anymore, it will psychologically change how you look at food. You won’t be hungry ever, as you can eat whenever you want. In fact, I eat and graze pretty much all day long on some days. It works because your body is no longer inflamed and can work properly. Within 60-90 days it regulates the body and fixes many other ailments due to health (specific words from the doctor’s mouth).

Finally, there’s thousands of meals you CAN eat. You even get to eat French fries. Let’s say that again FRENCH FRIES! With those words I’m going to wrap this up with saying there’s proof right there it’s not a diet, it’s how our bodies are designed to eat. I LOST 60 lbs. and 6 dress sizes in 90 days!! NO LIE!! With no more effort than my old eating habits, I will continue to eat this way the rest of my life to feel and look this way. Whether you walk 1000 steps a day or 10,000 steps a day it will change you forever! Why? Because you see results and you feel results! You WILL be a different person! Here’s your chance to change your life forever. Using only common foods you probably already eat and have on hand. For the cost of, less than a couple meals at McDonalds, your life could be changed forever! Click on the link below for the rest of the story, breakfast, lunch, dinner ideas for you and words of truth from the gal who’s been there.


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